Urban Policy and Why it Relates to you

Brazil has passed many progressive urban policies and urban reforms since the democratization in 1988. Knowing more about urban policy can help your community to begin to reclaim those rights.

Existing Community Land Trust Models

Did you know that Afro-Brazilian Quilombos function like a Community Land Trust? Community Land Trusts are increasing in popularity and are popping up all over the world in areas where evictions, displacement and gentrification are taking place. Take a look at some existing CLT models.

Improve Your Community Together

Gaining Collective title is just the first step in claiming for a right to the city. Learn How to use your community land trust model to improve your neighborhood.

Gentrification and Your Community

Gentrification can cause many negative effects in your community. Here is how you can help to keep gentrification at bay, keep your community intact, and improve your neighborhood all at the same time.

“Saber que tipo de cidade queremos é uma questão que não pode ser dissociada de saber que tipo de vínculos sociais, relacionamentos com a natureza, estilos de vida, tecnologias e valores estéticos nós desejamos. O direito à cidade é muito mais que a liberdade individual de ter acesso aos recursos urbanos: é um direito de mudar a nós mesmos, mudando a cidade.”
-David Harvey